
Negative Traits : Naive, HesitantNeutral Traits : Trusting, Soft
Positive Traits : Loving, Patient, Optimist
Likes : Kits, Her partners, Their shennanigans
Dislikes : Hurting someone, being held down, being bitten
Strenghts : Her patience and optimism, she always see the better in someone. She love her friends very much and hold the entire clan close to her heart.
Weaknesses : She is too trusting, even in people she shouldn't trust. Her naivety can cause her a lot of trouble.
History : Early Moons
Maple was born a kitty pet in a house where her sister, Ruby, already was. Ruby didn't like that Maple stole the attention of both their parents and humans and decided to bully her to make her leave. She tended to claw her and pounce on her, to the point of leaving multiple scars on Maple's body. Maple endured all her abuse because of the threats Ruby made on their parents. It lasted for 16 moons. One day, as Ruby clawed at her outside of their home, two cats from the North Clan saw them and decided to save her by attacking Ruby to make her flee. Once they did it, they befriended Maple and proposed help by bringing her to the Clan Nest to heal her. Maple accepted, and so Swan and Fox brough her to the clan. She never left.
History : Current
Once she was in the Clan Nest, the healers were appealed by the numerous scars on her body. They told her to stay and heal here, as it was safer for her. Silence, the Clan Leader, decided that if she wanted, she could be part of the clan and learn to be a wild cat by following an apprenticeship with Swan and Fox. They were thrilled to be Maple's mentors, and helped her learn the way of the wild. Maple, Swan and Fox became very close and were always saw together. Recently, Maple gained her warrior title and couldn't be more proud. The Clan likes her a lot : her softness and loving character make her a perfect cat to complete Swan and Fox, both a bit too eager to find trouble. They became mates soon after Maple became a warrior at 22 moons.

Ruby : her sister. She was abused by her and it left multiple scars on her body and soul. Still, even to this day, she still empathize with the hurt Ruby must have felt.

Swan : one of her mate. He has helped her to escape and then showed her what life could be. She love him for his strenght and protectiveness, along with the taunting side of him that makes her feel like she isn't a victim but a survivor.

Fox : her other mate. She helped her escape her home and showed her what true love feels like. She loves her for her proudness and slyness, along with her calmer side that help her to feel grounded when bad memories come to haunt her.
Basic Informations
Name : Maple Age : 21 moons
Gender : Female
Orientation : Bisexual
Rank : Warrior
Apprentice : N/A
Residence : North Clan
Maple is a soft molly with a cream and white fur. She has a long pelt and tuft of fur beside her head and chest. Her eyes are forest green. Along her body, she has multiple scars, some white and some still fresh. Thankfully, they are mostly hidden by her fur, especially in winter.
Maple's faith in Star Clan is not the greatest. She didn't grow up a wild cat with their beliefs and was only here for some moons. That being said, her mates believe in them and she knows they had a part in her staying with North Clan. She is very curious about them and would like to meet one of them.
- She still have difficulty to hunt and relie mostly on Swan and Fox to help her.
- She loves kits and would love to have some, but is scared to speak about it with her mates.
None for now.Layout made by Itinerae.